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درباره دانشکده

25 04 2016 04:21

کد خبر : 9406070

تعداد بازدید : 159

Departments, programs and fields of study of the Faculty of Natural Resources are included:


u III-1 Department of Fisheries

In 1974, the field of "Improvement of Nature" was established in the Department of Reclamation of Arid and Mountainous Zones. This field is considered as the base of the formation of the Department of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, which was formed in 1983.  Since 1994, it was divided into two fields of "Fisheries" and "Environmental Sciences". At present, this department admits students in the field of fisheries in three academic levels (B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D.) either in the fisheries.


u III-2 Department of Environmental Sciences

Dept. Of Environmental Sciences was established in 1983 to recover the natural ecosystem services quality. At the present, the department has one major at the B.Sc. level with no specialization, one major in M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels with three specialization: 1) land use planning and environmental assessment, 2) biodiversity, and 3) environmental pollutions. The mission of this department is to introduce and develop the knowledge of natural environment among the graduates as well as conservation approaches and sustainable exploitation of natural ecosystem's biotic and abiotic resources, extend the research ability and solution to human problems in natural environments, considering environment  al assessment, land use planning, wildlife habitat assessment and ecology, biodiversity management, natural ecosystem exploitation management, environmental impact assessment, air, water, soil and sea pollution measurement, urban, agricultural and industrial waste management, to aim a balanced development to increase human life quality.


u III-3 Department of Forestry and Forest Economics

The Forestry major was primarily funded in 1942 by suggestion of Late Karim Saai. The first specialized course in forest science for agricultural engineers was held in 1950. Forest science laboratory and wood science laboratory both were established and equipped in 1955 according to Saai's suggestion and with assistance of Dr. Reza Hejazi. At the same time, master course in the field of forest and rangeland science in faculty of agriculture was established by Dr. Hejazi. In 1962, institute of forest and rangeland was established with FAO assistance and in June, 16, 1966, faculty of forestry has been started to work with three departments, among which the first one was the department of forestry. In 2005, forest ecology, silviculture, and forestry majors were created in MSc. level. Later in 2007, forest engineering and in 2013 forest socio-economics issues were also established. The department currently admits students in Forestry (B.Sc. Degree), Forest ecology and silviculture (M.Sc.), Forestry (MSc.), Forest Engineering (M.Sc.), Forest Socio – Economic Problems (M.Sc.), and Forestry (Ph.D) in four above branches.

The department has several laboratories as follows: Seeds Technology of Forest Trees, Forest Genetics, Aerial Photo Interpretation, Forest Engineering, GIS&RS, Forest Economics & Policy, Forest Biometry, surveying, Herbarium, Forest trees micro- propagation and a Forest research station known as Kheyrud Forest with an area of 8000 ha.


u III-4 Department of Reclamation of Arid and Mountainous Regions

With due attention to the maintenance, reclamation and appropriate utilization of natural resources, and in order to train experts in the field of range, watershed and desert management, this department was established in 1963. However, watershed basin management includes ranges and deserts, but in order to make the educational programs more professional, activities are done in three sections of range, watershed and desertification. This department acts as the state Scientific Center of Excellence for Sustainable Watersheds management.


u III-5 Department of Wood and Paper Science and Technology

This department started its activities since 1962 under the title of "Department of Wood Science" in the Institute of Forest and Range. Since 1966 it acts as one of the four educational departments of the Faculty of Natural Resources. The Department of Wood  and Paper Sciences and Technology has provided educational and research facilities in different fields related to the wood and wood products, paper and its products for students at different B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs.

This department acts as the state Scientific Center of Excellence for Applied Management of Fast Growing Wood Species.

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11 04 2016 04:36

کد خبر : 9406170

تعداد بازدید : 106